Richmond Canal Walk, 2021

Miscellaneous photos taken while strolling through an old canal, one with a bit of history attached to it. It's part of the city I stayed in for university and has quite a few locales like this, along with being a walkable city in general, though I don't exactly capture that here. I miss it a lot...


Never found out for sure what species this was. I think they're a kind of honeysuckle?

leaf1 deck flower2

These, on the other hand, are apparently just called orange lillies.

canal pipes eroded leaf2 underside or else what?

There's no handle or anything on this door, so...

beams1 beams2 beams3 door to darkness

No, I did not try venturing into this one.

love open windows

Coincidentally, the street art murals directly inverse of this view are probably a lot more interesting, but I didn't bother figuring out a good angle to capture them.

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